Plant Profile: Calathea

Calathea (syn. Goeppertia) is a widely available genus of tropical plants suitable for indoor growing with as many as 10 species commonly sold in garden centers and houseplant boutiques across the country. We often have 4-5 varieties available at a time here at the nursery. Many have been reclassified to the genus Goeppertia and are commonly referred to as “Prayer Plants” due to the unique movement of their leaves.

Despite being one of our most popular houseplants, Calatheas can be relatively difficult to grow inside. Providing a proper balance between light, humidity, and soil moisture are key to keeping them happy. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing one to ensure its success:

  1. Light— Calatheas will thrive in bright, indirect light indoors.

  2. Humidity— High humidity is required. I’ve found the most success inside terrariums and humid rooms in the house like the bathroom. Mist regularly in dry rooms or consider adding a humidifier.

  3. Water— Probably the most important. Calatheas are fussy and do not like to dry out but are also susceptible to rot. I like to use a coir mix, like Coco Loco from Fox Farm, to help retain moisture and prevent root rot.

Don’t let these things deter you from trying to grow Calatheas. These beauties are non-toxic to pets and their incredible leaf patterns and colors are a great addition to any plant lover’s collection.

John R


Pet-Safe Houseplants


Beating Winter Blues